TMJ/ TMD Journal

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Xmas Eve!!!

Well I've survived without the chiro manipulations since the chiro closed down through the holidays...hopefully things will stay okay...knocking on wood.

No off balance feelings or dizziness...just an occassional "funny" feeling when the light is low and a little bit of echo in my GOOD ear...LOL. But nothing to cause that panic and anxiety that's been my constant companion of see??? And they thought it was just "nerves" and I would have to "learn to live with it" HA!

Other than that so far so good. Whew! It's been one mother of a ride...I hope it is finally over!!!

I've received a recommendation from a fellow tmj sufferer mentioning that Dr. Gelb of New York City has helped her immensely with her tmd.

Here's their website to investigate:

Another thing I'd like to mention. Today we had a visit from a friend who in the past after being in a car accident experienced dizziness, locked jaw and could not swallow. She went to a chiropractor in Peterborough, Ontario (a Dr. Frank Chisholm) who was able to help her dizziness on her very first visit by pressing against a certain bone behind her ear...

My chiropractor is doing something similiar by pressing behind and beneath my affected dizziness is pretty much gone because of what my chiro has done and she has had a similiar effect. If you experience dizziness, headaches might want to maybe look into chiro for your tmj too.

And don't be afraid...if I the Queen of Fear of Chiropractorss can go to see one or two then you can see what they have to say too!!! Cause no one is more scared than moi!

I'll keep you posted as to what is going on on my end. :-)

Merry Xmas Eve!


Posted by Jan Springer, Erotic Romance Author :: 4:27 PM :: 0 Comments:

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