TMJ/ TMD Journal

Monday, July 10, 2006

Setback City! Muscles and TMJ

Well it finally happened...setback city. Grrrrr.

Thankfully the symptoms aren't too bad...just a tad feeling off center occasionally and the feeling I might get dizzy but it doesn't get into a full swing of it. But I can sense it getting worse as the days go by...

I just realized that the past few times I've been to the chiropractor he has not done any tmj work...instead he's concentrated on the spine...neck, back and hip areas...this is a good thing because it allows me to zero in on what he isn't doing and what is now happening to me. ;-)

Anna, a fellow TMJ sufferer, has sent an excellent link about TMJ and the surrounding muscles. These muscles can go into spasm causing all kinds of troubles from pain to dizziness to referred pain and

Here's the link:

Thanks Anna!!

I'm thinking one of my problems could be the tensor veli palatini muscle that appears in this article - this is the one that affects the eustachian tubes and gives middle ear symptoms...interesting stuff!

Read the article!!!

The article continues on

jan, off to do some very gentle gardening

Posted by Jan Springer, Erotic Romance Author :: 3:21 PM :: 0 Comments:

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